Let's make London 100% financially accountable
Let's make London 100% financially accountable
Using CT Group's cutting-edge technology to make every detail of the budget visible to the public as a first step.
A fully distributed, tamper-proof ledger of transactions keeping track of spend vs budget.
Get the WhitepaperMembers of the public can suggest cost savings that, if adopted, will free up resources for better results.
Using technology to make every detail of the budget visible to the public as a first step.
A fully distributed, tamper-proof ledger of transactions keeping track of spend vs budget.
Members of the public can suggest cost savings that, if adopted, will free up resources for better results.
Every detail of the budget is published, along with each addition and change. Then each item is ticked off, along with actual money spent.
Practical ideas are offered by every resident, with a targeted, average cost reduction of 5%.
The cost reduction savings are pooled for a residents budget. Allocation of this budget is crowdsourced from residents.
Antiquated practices do not reflect a modern and inclusive London.
Built in London, we have the technology to become a shining beacon.
Cleaning up inefficiencies directly applied to broad based improvements.